with the Sea Finch Yatch

Daily Cruises to
Punta Carrión & South Plazas

Punta Carrión

You will have the possibility of snorkeling in the calm waters of Punta Carrión where you will be able to observe a variety of tropical sh and possibly white tip reef sharks that peacefully rest on the sandy bottom.

Snorkeling time.

South Plazas

A few hundred meters away from the Eastern cost of Santa Cruz Island, South Plazas and North Plazas islands were formed from uplifted seabed, giving it a tilted tabletop quality. You will disembark on South Plazas where you will be greeted by a colony of sea lions. Further up the shore a carpet of scarlet sesuvium succulents serves as groundcover for a grove of luminescent green prickly-pear cactus. Yellow-gray land iguanas sit beneath, waiting patiently for pears to drop.

The trail takes you gradually towards the southern cliff of the island where you will be able to observe nesting swallow-tailed gulls and several sea birds such as tropic birds, Nazca and blue footed boobies fly by.

Itineraries Available

08h20: Meeting point in Puerto Ayora
09h30: Snorkeling in Punta Carrión
12h00: South Plazas Island visit – Lunch
16h00: (aprox) Arribal at Puerto Ayora

Daily Cruises


Look for your dates in advance.
Limited spaces available.
Especial Prices for Private Charters.

STANDARD Daily Cruises from



Galapagos Islands is an amazing place to have adventures in. Be it a ride with a scooter, a surf in the beautiful sea or an expedition into the wildlife, you will find plenty of action. Contact us so we can help you organize a memorable stay at one of the most magical places on the planet.